Page 139 - loda-all-collection
P. 139
Sofa Set
With its minimalist lines and sim-
ple form, Nova Josephine o ers a
versatile design that you can use as
both a sitting and lounging area.
Creating an aesthetic balance with its
soft leather covering and geometric
cushions, Nova brings comfort and
elegance together. Leather pockets, where you can
keep everything you need in the
Elegant detaylarla bezenmi olan hustle and bustle of daily life, o er a
Aldo Koltuk, dayanıklılığı ve konforu functional detail while at the same
ile uzun yıllar boyunca ilk günkü time not forgetting elegance. Solara
ıklığını korur. İster modern bir salo- Sofa transforms your living spaces
nun odak noktası, ister klasik bir otur- by combining quality, comfort and
ma odasının göz alıcı parçası olarak elegance.
kullanın, Aldo Koltuk her mekâna
mükemmel uyum sağlar.
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